While sensors have been in use for a long time, the rise of Internet of Things has accelerated the evolution of sensors to another level altogether. More than 50 bn devices will be connected to the Internet by the end of 2020.Sensors form the backbone of IoT platforms as they help collect the data and boosted by advanced communication technologies forward it to an entire network of connected devices
RideNext IOT Expertise
Using pyom IOT platform and WIPY module we are collecting sensor data using I2C interface. Once Sensor data is collected, data is sent to Microsoft Azure cloud using MQTT and REST API and stored in Cosmos DB. Later on we are doing analytics using Power BI
Lightweight M2M (OMA-LwM2M) embedded client is designed for the management of constrained IoT devices and sensors.Lightweight M2M (LWM2M) is a traffic and resource-optimized protocol to remotely manage IoT devices.